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300-Word Article

$50.00 $36.00

Contact me and we will go over the exact content you want to write for your website or blog.

  • I have 5 top-rated content writers.
  • All articles are written to specifications.
  • Completely custom.
  • Articles will be of VERY high quality and researched.
  • The articles will be between 300 and 350 words.
  • Unlimited corrections. Basically we want you to be totally happy with the article.

Included in the price is an SEO assessment of what topics would be better for you! That’s included in the price of the article. This SEO assessment will be done by myself and will provide insight and suggestions are content you should write.

If you want 10 articles or more, please call me. I’ll give you a discount. Also, if you want me to publish them on your site, I can offer you this service for small extra fee. Again, it’s all about speed and investing your time in what you do best, so it may be worth hiring someone to publish the articles for you. By the way each article I publish for you will have at least one custom image and I will be doing the SEO for it (title, description and keywords).

We also write 500-word, 1000-word and even larger articles. Again, written to specification. We can write guides, brochures and scripts for videos.

Call me if you have any questions.


Note: I have designed this product page so it has just around 300 words (314 total excluding the title), that’s including the description in the accordion below.




Short articles can be useful for a number of reasons:

  1. Short to read.
  2. Readers have a better chance of getting the complete message of what you want to communicate.
  3. Then, you can get them hooked for more reading and being interested in purchasing some of your products or services.

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